Spatial dimensions of bodily experience in architectural modeling: A case study Sema Alaçam, Gülen Çağdaş 1 - 12 pdf
The first society of industrial design in Turkey: Endüstri Tasarımı Derneği (ETD) Gülname Turan 13 - 23 pdf
The expression of identity: Country pavilions for expo in architectural design studio İlker Fatih Özorhon 43 - 52 pdf
A study on the daily life and coffeehouse culture in Gaziantep: Tahmis Coffeehouse Nazlı Taraz, Ebru Yılmaz 53 - 66 pdf
A conceptual process model for the sustainability of a healthy building Asutan Sarp Yalçın, Ayşe Balanlı 67 - 78 pdf
The archetypes of landscape and sustainable design in the ksar of Kenadsa Abdeldjebar Layachi 79 - 91 pdf
An alternative dwelling history narrative: The story of the ‘apartment' Emel Cantürk, Nurbin Paker Kahvecioğlu 93 - 107 pdf
Causes of disputes in the Turkish construction industry: Case of public sector projects Pınar Irlayıcı Çakmak 109 - 118 pdf
Do architects' and users' reality coincide? A post occupancy evaluation in a university lecture hall Odeta Manahasa, Ahsen Özsoy 119 - 133 pdf
Vacancy and access to food: Spatially addressing food insecurity in urban Appalachia Cl Bohannon, Nikolus Henry 135 - 143 pdf
The use of qualitative data analysis software to read landscapes in movies: The case of Midnight in Paris Başak Özer, Yasin Çağatay Seçkin 145 - 154 pdf
A parametric landscape urbanism method: The search for an optimal solution Sevil Yazıcı 155 - 165 pdf
Variations in design process: A case study about tool and task as design variants Betül Orbey, Sinan Mert Şener 167 - 180 pdf