Vol. 13 No. 3 (2016): Volume: 13 - Issue: 3

A parametric landscape urbanism method: The search for an optimal solution

Sevil Yazıcı
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Özyeğin University, Istanbul, Turkey

Published 2016-12-09


  • Computing,
  • Evolutionary algorithms,
  • Form generation,
  • Landscape urbanism,
  • Parametric design


Through ecological awareness, different methods have been investigated to explore the relationship between nature and design. Additionally, digital techniques and methods have begun to dominate all fields of professions, including design disciplines. Landscape is an integral part of a city's public domain. The concept of Landscape Urbanism prioritizes landscape over building design in urban planing through the use of advanced digital techniques. Although there are studies and projects in this field, they lack a method that can be implemented for the organizational principles of a masterplan and the distribution of green-areas by creating iterations. A parametric landscape urbanism method has been developed and applied as the concept of a self-sufficient micro-nation located in Europe. The methodology uses principles that consist of three stages: defining the site's constraints, generating computational geometry, and the optimization process, which uses evolutionary algorithms. As a result, a solution space is generated by creating iterations for green area distribution and determining their green area ratios. The method can potentially be applied to other site domains and optimization problems.