The relationship between politics and design in housing production has been evaluated by showing the housing sector in Turkey as working architects/without architecture. Therefore, architecture and design are exhibited as “being absent” and with “lack of appearing”. Housing production in Turkey lives two points of break in the process of modernization: The beginning of the1950‟s and the middle of the1980‟s.The 1950‟s is when huge problems of quality, which would repeat in a pattern, began. The social character of Turkey answered these requirements by using its‟ own reflex, and a new small production mechanisms were introduced to the system. These mechanisms were organized to externalize architectural formations because of their nature. The break in the middle of the 1980‟s depended on the obstruction of these small production mechanisms and unproductivity. This break was wanted to solve by the trend of becoming bigger through scale of production, especially in the1990‟ s as a result of new legal, financial and organizational provisions. Organization models may be expected to operate the universal experiences of architectural formation using selection for settlement and design of housing units and buildings. Organization of production to select technology and materials. However, progress was realized contrary to these expectations and reproduction of relations based on small production in big organization were mentioned. This paper aims to demonstrate the physical results of non-affecting on architectural formations by evaluating examples.