Vol. 10 No. 1 (2013): İstanbul as a palimpsest city and imperfection

“Gentrification” as an effective force: Case study: Reconstruction plan of Hafisa Quarter (Medina of Tunisia)

Zehra Mahmoudi Manesh
Isfahan Art University, Faculty of Restoration, Isfahan, IRAN
Jafer Kerimpour
Isfahan Art University, Faculty of Restoration, Isfahan, IRAN

Published 2013-07-01


  • Gentrification,
  • middle class,
  • low income,
  • displacement,
  • historic area


In recent transition process of urban development, especially because of high and middle class abandonment, residential quarters of inner cities gradually had lost their values and occupied by immigrated groups (non-native), and low-income class. In result of this fact, quality of life has reduced to minimum possible limit, with non- hygienic conditions. One of the most useful theories in this course is gentrification; the process of improving old neighborhoods with low qualification, in order to encourage high social, middle class, and especially gentries to return there. In spite of its advantages, gentrification has often and wrongly become synonymous with displacement of native residents. Therefore, this paper is going to present an accurate comprehension about the essence of gentrification through analysis and description method by clarifying its distinction from displacement. In addition, by researching a sample of successful projects in this course, gentrification is going to be regarded as an achievable theory in reconstruction of historical areas by emphasizing on its offered advantages through this article. As a result, it should be mentioned that displacement is not a goal of gentrification, but just a consequence that could be created in result of inappropriate politics of development or any renovation methods in process of improving historic areas.