Architectural design studios are highly sophisticated means of creative problem solving. As design problems are ill-structured, they cannot be solved by using a certain algorithm. The methods and means of solving such problems are not quite clear. Designing experiences demonstrates to us that sketches are a very important means of creative design solutions since they magnify mental capacity. Therefore, they have the ability to play a significant role in the architectural design studio. However, the inclination that gives sketches a secondary role by attaching primary value to theory has been affecting design education. The reason for this situation is the dominancy of a scientific ideal which regards that verbal and computational expression with theory is superior to praxis and visual expression. This problem estranges design education from its own essential necessities. Within the framework of this problem, this scrutiny has two interrelated aims. The first one is to explicate the role of sketches in terms of creativity in design. And the second one is to discuss the limits of the theory which is highly prized in the universities in respect to architectural design education. These topics will be discussed based on the scrutinizing of the literature and inferences from this study.