This paper introduces a new approach to creativity in design education based on puzzle solving activity in a world where ambiguity and change is essential with the innovations of 21st century. Design as puzzle solving activity makes it possible to generate new ideas, to think something different, to be able to integrate knowledge and imagination which gives rise to generation of form – creative thinking. Accordingly puzzle solving activity can be considered as choreography emerged in dialectics of multiplicity which leads us mythical stage between the real and virtual, between the possibilities and limitations creating shifting balances. In this paper we come up with a broader network relationship for understanding creativity which cannot be taught, but learned through the notion of narrative referring to Visual Design Course’s (VDC) intellectual atmosphere created by discussions on narrative workouts. VDC is structured according to the design practices based on narratives in order to help students to constitute a flexible thinking and also to develop more unified mind by which both open the doors for creativity. The theme of the each workout designed as a narrative reveals a puzzle solving activity which involves thinking something different, imagining unrelated structures of consciousness, questioning assumptions, and discovering connections among various phenomena.