Vol. 3 No. 01-02 (2006): Technological Innovations and Design

The products of popular culture in urban space: Do they enrich or spoil?

Aytanga Dener
Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, Istanbul, TURKEY

Published 2006-06-01


  • hybrid structures,
  • popular culture,
  • resistance,
  • Istanbul,
  • socio-spatial orders

How to Cite

Dener, A. (2006). The products of popular culture in urban space: Do they enrich or spoil?. A|Z ITU JOURNAL OF THE FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE, 3(01-02), 71 - 84. https://doi.org/https://www.az.itu.edu.tr/


In current capitalist systems the urban surfaces are saturated with the attached images and objects which can be considered as tools of communication that support consumption. With the new technological innovations, the denizens live in real-virtual worlds and the metropolitan spaces are reshaped within the postindustrial relations. The people interpret their environment and contribute to the cities in a free manner. Thus the urban spaces always involve buildings, objects besides the people. They need to be scrutinized from the street level to develop a total understanding. The developing countries living in unstable conditions in many aspects encounter with so many hybrid socio-spatial structures. They experience the different types of modernities and try to understand the alternating contexts and experiences. The strict differentiations and contradictions direct people to create their own culture. The products of popular culture are formed via the struggles against the hegemonic groups. The passive resistances of subaltern groups succeed in the end and they not only achieve to exist in the system but also spread their tastes, values and ideologies. The subordinates living in the world city Istanbul try to adapt themselves to the city life by modifying the circumstancing places. They add their products -can be evaluated in varying categories, economic, socio-cultural and political- to the urban environment and become a component of the heterogeneous orders. The purpose of this work is to try to found an understanding on the popular culture by scrutinizing the products in detail as well as establishing an inquiry about the socio-spatial orders.