Vol. 10 No. 1 (2013): İstanbul as a palimpsest city and imperfection

ECO-SPIRIT: Sustainable development and environmental awareness in contemporary liturgical planning

Vilmos Katona
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments, Budapest, HUNGARY
Zorán Vukoszávlyev
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department for History of Architecture and of Monuments, Budapest, HUNGARY

Published 2013-07-01


  •  Architectural theory,
  • sustainable planning,
  • contemporary sacred architecture


Today, the practice of energy efficient architecture has demanded not only a technical change in the building industry but also the acquiring of sustainable design methods and the development of a new architectural image based on a specifically ecological way of thinking. The aspects of environmental calculations are best presented by the examples of high standard public investments developed with respect for the environment, the use of renewable energy by minimising pollution and energy consumption. These criteria are not eligible to satisfy the socio-cultural compactness of an artificial environment which has communal or intellectual functions. Despite their integration into local topography, the difficulties of structure and insulation, or the use of industrial materials often reveal the contradictions between the unnatural facts and the clarity of the buildings’ architectural language. Such contradictions are especially warning in contemporary liturgical architecture, however, the spiritual requirements of local communities are capable of encouraging an environmentally more conscious planning. The goal of this study is prospecting solutions for both a physically and culturally sustainable design in this very specific field.